The first step begins with proper and responsible racehorse retirement. Either contacted directly from an owner or trainer of a racehorse in need or contacted by a track aftercare program with horses in need of a place to go, we gather as much information on each horse, including 4 photos, registration papers, Coggins and medical records. These records are scanned and entered into our database, where they are able to be viewed at any time by our staff or veterinarians.
Here at TRRAC, our program mainly accepts thoroughbreds retiring from racing, however we do accept private owner surrenders as well as assist in rescue situations. Our program is a safe place for every horse where they are offered let down time and rehabilitation (if needed). Many horses in our care arrive to us for our expertise in sports injuries, therapy and aftercare. With the advancement of medical science and rehabilitation methods, we are able to successfully rehabilitate many horses, which allows them to lead excellent second careers from pleasure horses, working mounts (police) and show horses.
We are proud to partner with many different owners and trainers who trust us to place their horses in new and safe homes when the time comes. Being able to connect racing connections to those who have adopted their horses gives us pride. and allows for a good partnership in the name of aftercare.